Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Time at Pathways

I loved being at Pathways. The therapist were nice like they were at Shepherd.  It was nice being able to go home every day. I saw a lot of patient that were at Shepherd the same time I was there.  I made a lot of friends at Shepherd.  I really had  lot in Common with all the people at Shepherd.  It was nice being with other people who had brain injury's.  I started off with Physical therapy, Speech therapy, and Occupational therapy.  The first five weeks I did all three of those plus Therapeutic Recreation.  I really enjoy all of the therapies.  After that I did 4 weeks of Speech therapy and Occupational therapy.  I had to meet with a counselor like I did when I was there for full time therapy.  When I was doing Full time therapy I was there from 9am to2pm.  Then I was there for part time therapy from 2pm to 4:30 pm or so.  I was so sad to leave therapy in general.  I really got to know all lot of the other patients and workers.  Everyone was very nice to me.  Nobody was ever mean to me.  one of the Doctors there had a dog that she would bring on Tuesdays.  Her name was Leila.  She was a sweet dog.  I loved her so much. I hated to leave her on my last day. It was sad.  Luckily I can stay in touch with everyone through facebook.  We did outing out in the community.  We did a lot of scavenger hunts.  Those were always fun.  We went to Dick's sporting goods and Books-a-million.  I  worked on a driving simulator while I was there also.  It was hard at first using the driving simulator. But it go easier.  Everybody there probably remembers me because I talked about my cats constantly.  I was the animal activist.  But overall I really enjoyed my time at Pathway's.

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