Tuesday, November 30, 2010

After Thanksgiving

My throat is killing me now.  It seems like I would not get sick for a while after going through all this.  I think my dad brought it home from work.  When you teach you pick up everything your first year.  I know I said I would blog everyday but this blog is going to be for the last 3 days.  I have been busy with Thanksgiving.  I love the Holidays.  I love this time of year.  I love how it gets chilly for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I really enjoyed seeing my family.  It was so good to see them outside of the hospital.  Last time I saw most of them I was still in the hospital.  I love all of the Thanksgiving food.  I am so glad I am out of the hospital to enjoy this time of the year.  I have really been enjoying spending time with my cats.  I love how they can tell when you do not feel good and love on you.  Polka Dot has started sleeping in my bed now.  Salem took up with my dad while I was in the hospital so he abandoned me.  Felix sleeps with me every night.  I had a lot to be thankful for this year.

1 comment:

April said...

You do have a lot to be thankful for this year.....we all do. I know it is still hard and you still have things to deal with but it will get better. Just seeing you on my couch talking and laughing is so good!! Ray and I still talk about it a lot and how it seems like a miracle. You have a lot of good things coming to you....finishing and graduating college, planning a wedding and getting married, and starting a family. All great things to look forward to.
We love you!!!