Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Many Doctor appointments

     I had 3 doctor appointments yesterday.  First, I had to go for my yearly check up.  Then, I had to get a Mammogram.  It hurt really bad.  I get Mammograms because my biological mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at age 28 so  I have to get mammograms once a year.  It hurts so bad I hate going to those appointments.  I had to explain everything about the accident.  I dread going to the doctor now because I have to explain the accident all over again. It gets tiring explaining what happened to me.  I had a appointment with the breathing doctor.  I was told he could not do surgery on my throat.  He doesn't do surgery.  I have to go to a chest doctor that will take a scope down my throat to see if I have scar tissue.  If there is scar tissue they will cut it will a laser.  So I have that appointment next week.  I hope they can do it soon. My surgery on my skull is put back now.  So the surgery won't be until March or April. I hope sooner.  I hate they cannot do the surgery sooner.  My whole life had been put on hold because of this.  I cannot do anything until they put it in.  Oh and now they want to call my putting the plate in my head and elective.  I guess its normal for someone to go around with a piece of skull missing.  I don't know if I trust these Doctors anymore.   It seems like all they want is more money.

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